A Typical Day at Squaire Dog Grooming
Presenting Gustav the Airedale Terrier - owned by Jack and Irene of North Vancouver.
Getting started, Gustav is lifted onto the grooming table.

First things first, a thorough brushing and a pedicure. Followed by rough clipper work on the head, ears, body, and shoulders. Rough clipper work usually comes before bathing unless the dog is really dirty. The purpose of it is to reduce the amount of hair that needs to be bathed. There is no point bathing hair that is going to come off, and it also reduces the drying time considerably.

After the rough clipper work is finished, its time for a warm bath. Some dogs don't like to be bathed, so there's always lots of treats to reward good-bath-tub-etiquetcy.

Gustav checking out the blow dryer and gets blow dried.

Blow dryers used by most groomers are extremely loud at close range. The air flow is usually very strong in order to minimize drying time. Combine the two makes a daunting experience for some dogs. Some groomers like to set the dryer in front of a cage with a wet dog inside while he tends to another dog in order to save time. At Squaire Dog Grooming, the dog is allowed to sniff and familiarize himself with the dryer before it's even turned on. (Cotton balls are placed inside the dog's ears to protect them from the noise.)
Once it's turned on, it goes on to the lowest setting with lots of treats for the dog to make positive connections with. Then we slowly move the dryer onto the less sensitive areas while giving lots more praises and treats. High setting will only be used on dogs who are comfortable with it. Otherwise, we stay on low setting and take a little extra time.
After bath & dry, Gustav gets put back on the table where scissoring begins,

The head is worked on first. Edges of ears trimmed, head shaped, facial furnishings blended. Legs to be worked on next.

Front legs scissored,

Followed by the hind legs as well as the skirt (under belly),

Gustav finished, looking all handsome!

Gustav helps with clean up,

Plays with a rawhide ball,

And hangs out with me while he waits for his mom to come.